Scientists have found that in general the degree of protection from influenza vaccine correlates with the amount of antibody produced.
The degree to which someone is affected may correlate with how many of the autism genes he or she has, some researchers say.
In general, increasing degree of polymerization correlates with higher melting temperature and higher mechanical strength.
The degree of white matter connectivity in the fusiform gyrus correlates with the intensity of the synesthetic experience.
The degree of skin temperature change correlated strongly with the meditator's self-reported experience of mental silence.
Dr. Landry wanted to see if the degree of pain control during labor correlated with a woman's ability to nurture her child.
In fact, the degree of consistency in their usage correlated with their performance in the real world test (although not in the virtual one).
The study found that the degree of water hardness as measured by mineral presence correlated directly with a lowered risk of heart attacks.
The degree and length of the impairment directly correlates with the severity of the 3 seizure types listed above.
The degree of redness or appearance of blood usually does not correlate to how serious the situation is.