Critics are howling at the XFL, criticizing its gladiatorial blood lust and what is perceived as its degrading treatment of women.
When there is a photographic process between the victim and the audience, the photographs form part of the "degrading treatment", and possession can reasonably be criminalised.
"Systematic abuses included extrajudicial killings and summary executions, disappearances, widespread use of torture and other degrading treatment," the report said.
The Parliamentary Ombudsman examined the handling of the case after the decision had been made, and criticised harshly various aspects of the degrading treatment of the subjects at the airport.
According to Human Rights Watch, detainees on both sides were subject in some cases to torture, rape, or other degrading treatment.
Additionally, Krarup mentions that the widowed Margrethe Pedersdatter had been forced to "submit to the most degrading treatment of a virtuous woman".
Some of the few who were later able to testify complained of further degrading treatment, unsanitary food, denial of hygiene, and isolation from friends, family, and lawyers.
The article's provisions outlawing degrading treatments, he believes, could mean that American soldiers would be subject to prosecution in the war on terror.
That measure, adopted by the Senate, also imposed restrictions prohibiting torture as well as cruel, inhuman and other degrading treatment but it applied only to Defense Department personnel.
The Complaint alleges that the plaintiffs were subjected to "torture, cruel, inhuman, or other degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary arrest and prolonged detention, and forced labor."