I mean, I'm working on a 96dpi 21" screen, so the pixels are noticable to the point of degraded performance.
For soft or firm deadlines, missing a deadline can lead to a degraded performance but not a catastrophe (Haritsa).
The first 3were Bridgestone runner possibly indicating a degraded performance under warmer conditions.
What this degraded performance may be I have not the least notion.
The system worked well under optimum conditions, but suffered high-maintenance costs and degraded performance in high winds and rain.
This would result in degraded performance on trials where irrelevant speech is presented.
The results of the testing revealed a stability problem and degraded performance due to turbo-rotor tolerances.
In some cases, it is possible to calculate the optimum time for overhaul to restore degraded performance.
They also, photographed an antenna with signs of degraded performance.
Such programs therefore do not benefit from hardware multithreading and can indeed see degraded performance due to contention for shared resources.