In 1961 Harry Miller after much success reworking old defunct mines in Cobalt and Brady Lake turned his attention on the Keeley-Frontier properties.
Lot of defunct mines up there that companies shut down when the veins petered out.
This city of 200,000 is just one more hole in the rust belt of Western Europe, the aging smelters and defunct mines that stretch across northern France and western Germany.
The next day we met one of them, deep in Wittenoom Gorge, just outside the entrance to the defunct mine.
For example, when Death Valley National Park was expanded in 1994, it encompassed a defunct mine, creating a new inholding, and the owners tried to reopen the mine.
Inside the hangar, Norma had moved into three of the larger offices previously used by administrators of the defunct mine.
And inside the club, a banner depicts a stone archway to a defunct Istrian mine along with the phrase "Kova je Nasa," or "The coal mine is ours."
This is the perfect area for him, with plenty of remote land, many with old settlements, abandoned cabins and barns, even a few defunct mines.
So Kolar Gold has tied up with 17 BGML mine workers unions to petition the courts to revive the defunct mines.
Several defunct mines applied for status as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.