Knin rose to prominence twice in history, as a one-time capital of both the Kingdom of Croatia (Medieval) and Towns in the Former RSK of the unrecognized, and now defunct Republic of Serbian Krajina.
His rule through patronage, military power, and accumulation of the offices of the defunct Republic became the model for all later imperial government.
In 1990, just after the unification of Germany, he edited (together with the designer Jörg Kowalski) the anthology wortBILD (wordPICTURE), documenting avantguard visual poetry in the now defunct German Democratic Republic.
He spent time during the early 80s on the Wild Coast of the now defunct Republic of Transkei, setting up the now defunct Capital Radio 604, where he moonlighted as the Capital Crafty Cook.
From the Treaty of Campoformio (1797) throughout the nineteenth century, as Austria succeeded the defunct Republic, the building was the seat for the Austrian ambassador to the Vatican.
Philip Efiong (also spelled Effiong, 18 November 1925 - 6 November 2003) was the first Vice President and the second President of the now defunct Republic of Biafra during the Nigerian Civil War of 1967 to 1970.
General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu (Ikemba Nnewi); former military Governor of defunct Eastern Nigeria and President of defunct Republic of Biafra.
It is ironic that the UK which is debating its own issues with Scotland's push for independence wants to try and revive the defunct "Somali Republic" (The unratified union between Somaliland and Somalia in 1960).
In the now defunct German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany), which existed from 7 October 1949 to 3 October 1990 (when the territory of the former GDR was reunified with the Federal Republic of Germany), the position of Chancellor did not exist.