They had little tongs in their hands, and they were deftly and busily picking nails and scraps of coffin handles out of Mamma's dainty little heap of ashes and samples of bone.
Mr. Taylor intones his bitter tales as he deftly picks acoustic guitar or banjo.
"T'gellan's leading the wing," K'van informed them, deftly picking out of the stream the information that escaped Aramina.
Motor-pool man deftly picked his way through the massive, dispersing crowd.
She deftly picked the wire hooks of the corset and eased its laces open, then wriggled it over her hips and stood there, breathing in relief, in her lace chemise.
"My normal life is stressed out completely, so this has been a complete joy," he said, deftly picking a country-ish riff on a tiny $29 guitar he bought for the trip.
A small tool picked the lock deftly without breaking its mechanism.
Keren, deftly picking her way around mud puddles in the path, laughed.
She deftly picked pieces of meat and vegetable from the bowl and ate them, then raised it to her lips to drink the broth.
Jupiter deftly picked the knot out of the board, reached through the hole to undo a catch, and three boards swung open.