Who will give the definitive verdict on what is pernicious and what is merely titillating?
Theory has not reached a definitive verdict, but the resulting positions are believed to offer Black more chances than 3...e4.
Of the contenders lining up to replace me it's hard to give a definitive verdict.
But experts warned that it was too soon for a definitive verdict on the custom-designed synthetic estrogen, raloxifene.
One of the president's concerns, they said, is that disbarment would be both a lifetime stigma and a definitive verdict for history.
Even the most eminent critics seem reluctant to deliver a definitive verdict.
Costco demurred, however, and has instead offered to return his money so it can take possession of the sketch to seek a definitive verdict on its authenticity.
It is premature, however, to issue a definitive verdict, because many of these measures have yet to be implemented.
The virtual certainty that they will use one or both of their chances to appeal, means a definitive guilty verdict would be several years away.
This leaves the APA's position on brainwashing as equivalent to: more research is needed until a definitive scientific verdict can be given.