The Holtkamp organ is considered the "definitive" example for its builder.
This may be the first definitive example of neurons communicating chemically where synapses are not present.
AC-Rochester is an definitive example of and internal marketing network.
Tetsuo is considered the definitive example of Japanese cyberpunk.
One of the most definitive examples occurred in 1807.
The retreat provides a definitive example of the legislative hypocrisy now gripping Congress.
Adina Bastidas being vice president from 2000 to 2002 is a definitive example of such change.
The band enjoyed cult status in the 1990s and beyond as a definitive example of mid-1960s baroque pop.
Jazz is the definitive example of real multiculturalism as opposed to the theoretical or ideological.
Belonging to no group, it is a definitive example of the town house hotel that has kept up with the times.