Mr. Lust, who has written the definitive catalogue of Giacometti's prints and drawings, contends that it wasn't until 1954 that Giacometti emerged as a major graphic artist.
The magazine was featured in The Melbourne Design Guide, a definitive catalogue of creative culture in Melbourne.
As of 2009, there is no definitive catalogue of Fumet's work.
With the projected publication, about two years hence, of a definitive catalogue, its curators promise a major reorganization that should hold for a while.
Some narrative documentation on the code lists used was released with COINS, but definitive catalogues of the code lists is not currently available.
But it needs cash to pay its bills and to finance such ambitious dreams as a definitive catalogue of Warhol's work, which would cost some $3.5 million.
He was on the staff of the Met, part time, until 1955 and did much of the work on the definitive catalogue of its French paintings.
Medieval European Coinage was initially envisaged as twelve volumes of definitive catalogue and text on the coinage of different parts of Europe.
A definitive catalogue of the contents of each issue has never been published.
The catalogue was revised and republished by an editorial committee in 1970, and this version is considered to be the definitive catalogue of van Gogh's work.