"There's still no definitive analysis," the American ambassador, Alexander Vershbow, said at a recent public discussion.
This book continues to be one of the definitive philosophical analyses of totalitarianism, at least in its 20th century form.
(...) Mandler's study about the Double-Gauss designs is still the definitive analysis of the limits and potential of this class of lenses.
Galen's bioscanners are the most advanced in the fleet and they should provide me with a more definitive analysis.
Within the array, there are indications of life, but they fluctuate too rapidly for definitive analysis.
I won't be able to make a more definitive analysis until I am able to examine him again.
The report, which is not a definitive analysis of contractor influence, does not say precisely how much contractors influence the Energy Department's decisions and activities.
The definitive analysis.
In that time Cuba was dangerously situated, which determined its definitive analysis on the two realities in conflict.
A later definitive analysis found the concentration of water to be "5.6 2.9% by mass".