"We are definitely opposed to random testing," said Steve Winters, president of the local firefighters' union.
Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and economic sphere.
He is definitely opposed to more immigration, and has used the word "over-foreignization," which many find redolent of Naziism.
And no hypnotist could force his will on a determined, definitely opposed mind.
However, public opinion was strongly against such a move, with successive polls showing 86% - 91% of people definitely opposed.
On returning home, he found his plan definitely opposed.
She seemed so definitely opposed to the vision he held in his mind that he returned to it with a gesture of impatience.
We are definitely and strongly opposed to the EU's being given its own right of taxation.
- Mr President, I am very definitely opposed to the vote being adjourned.
But right now we are most definitely opposed to having a debate sprung on us under the ad hoc procedure!