The need definitely existed for the establishment of another major private ambulance service.
On the other hand, he now had a firm awareness that globe models of the world definitely existed.
It definitely existed in the 17th century, since the first record about the church is from the year 1623, written by the resident priest.
This may be the first time that rules were formally agreed, although rules as such definitely existed.
The animate life signals matched nothing she had ever seen before, but they definitely existed.
Bit like the god of a believer then - definitely exists but unprovable.
Although they are fewer in the current recession, opportunities still definitely exist in this country.
This important dynastic family definitely existed between 1135 and 1338, as can be proven with documents.
Such technical solutions definitely exist and I hope that the financial resources will be found for implementing this portal.
It definitely existed by the early 13th century.