She was a trifle startled at the laughter in his voice, at the definite twinkle in the intensely green eyes.
Florence smiled kindly, a definite twinkle in the bright blue eyes.
He smiled at me, really smiled, with a definite twinkle behind it.
Oh," Treyvan replied, a definite twinkle in his eyes, "I won't.
Captain Kondo did not smile, but there was a definite twinkle in his eye.
"More so than I expected, Majesty," he replied, with a definite twinkle in his eye.
I thought of Ramon the plasterer, a man with a definite twinkle in his eye, let loose among thefilles de joie.
There was a definite twinkle in Kat Jones' eyes.
There was, Rachel thought, a definite twinkle in the man's dark eyes.
Ampris's gaze returned hers with no trace of guile or evasion but he had a definite twinkle in his eye.