The patient died soon after, and no definite diagnosis was made on his cause of death.
Although the doctor was not sure and could not make a definite diagnosis, he thought it might be leukemia.
No definite microbiological diagnoses could be made for the remaining 74 (52%) patients.
A biopsy is the only way to make a definite diagnosis.
We compared the times taken to establish a definite diagnosis for the remaining infants from the time of presentation at the hospital.
In some cases, a doctor may want to look at a small sample of heart tissue, called a biopsy, to make a definite diagnosis.
Thomas gave one group of patients a definite diagnosis and told them they'd be better in a few days.
Neurological examinations in 1980 and 1981 did not yield a definite diagnosis.
In most cases, treatment will begin before a definite diagnosis of cancer is made.
Criteria for definite diagnosis (at least 2 must be fulfilled)