Many other classes will occur to you, since the term "speculative fiction" may be defined negatively as being fiction about things that have not happened.
Ideas are negatively defined as those parts of a proposition that are themselves not propositions.
However, because they are defined negatively as excluding snakes, lizards have no unique distinguishing characteristic as a group.
Some citizens believed that these terms were improvements on the negatively defined identity of "Non-White", which was their previous status.
Adams's virtues may be more easily defined negatively, by what she avoids.
Jewish identity is thus defined negatively: sur-vival as a response to threats of destruction.
That is, the term is defined negatively and does not mean a linguistic relationship.
If you stay out there and don't do anything, you get defined negatively.
Software, a term in general use by the early 1960s, is usually defined negatively, that is to say, a component of computer systems distinct from hardware.
SS 4 The understanding was defined above only negatively, as a non-sensuous faculty of cognition.