They have been developed to improve safety and efficiency in mine action by providing guidance, establishing principles and, in some cases, by defining international requirements and specifications.
This amendment defines new specifications for Cat.
Members of HOG are seeking to define and describe specifications for objects that will be common, interoperable features of future, productised distributed object (and object management) infrastructures.
TIM models can be used to provide the content of instructions (such as manuals and on-line helps) but equally to plan production processes or define functional specifications.
The alliance created distinct frameworks by grouping the most popular operating systems, application development environments, and programming languages and defined in-depth specifications to guarantee interoperability of components within each framework.
Some speculated that as Google was defining technical specifications, it was showing prototypes to cell phone manufacturers and network operators.
The Nuclear Instrumentation Module (NIM) standard defines mechanical and electrical specifications for electronics modules used in experimental particle and nuclear physics.
The physical layer defines electrical and physical specifications for devices.
Wind turbine design is the process of defining the form and specifications of a wind turbine to extract energy from the wind.
The directive stipulates four priority areas where the Commission will define common specifications and standards for implementing and using Intelligent Transport Systems.