The main problem with this approach can be a lack of company standards defining proven solutions and of systems to make them accessible.
We need a leader who has the vision to define solutions to our problems, solutions that people can understand and can believe in.
Through the Initiative, these organizations have come together to define greentech market opportunities and solutions which will contribute to building a sustainable China and world.
In order to define and create solutions for communities, needs assessments should be conducted.
Multiple criteria design problems typically require the solution of a series of mathematical programming models in order to reveal implicitly defined solutions.
Solving complex problems may require choosing from so many alternatives at each step that it is very difficult to algorithmically define solutions.
Israeli scholar Gideon Toury offers one way of defining such solutions.
"We need the intellectual creativity to define new solutions and new approaches to urban education."
It is common to take a different sign convention for this equation than one typically does when defining fundamental solutions.
This report is a valid attempt at defining the key problems and possible solutions for Afghanistan.