Although the issue has only lately gained prominence in the lower courts, recent rulings opening federal courts to antitrust claims by foreign plaintiffs with only remote connections to domestic commerce have engendered enormous interest and concern among companies fearful of newly defined antitrust liability for their overseas operations.
At its center, the law established Ready, Standby, and Retired Reserve categories within each reserve component to define liability for call to active duty.
Beyond that, Ms. Hallett is also suggesting that the federal government define liability for lives lost and property damaged when the hijacked airliners crashed.
The Australian Criminal Code Act 1995 defines absolute liability in Division 6, subsection 2:
The Australian Criminal Code Act of 1995 defines strict liability and absolute liability in division 6.
Clause 75 defines liability to pay as an individual liability that is dependent on the relationship that persons have with dwellings.
Criminal Law: Inquiry into the sources and goals of the criminal law, limitations on the state's power to define criminal liability, general principles of liability and defenses, and the characteristics of particular crimes.
Congress has already authorized a 1.3-cent-a-barrel tax on oil for a liability fund, but so far lawmakers have not passed a statute setting up the financing process or defining liability.
These define the legal, contractual and liability (for loss and damage) obligations of the airlines as well as those of the shipper.