The Cairo Program is the first international policy document to define reproductive health, stating:
He goes on later to define health, disease, neutrality, and also natural and contranatural, which associates with the six necessary causes to live healthy.
Some define health as the ability of the family to respond to each other's needs.
But these concepts define health in philosophical rather than empirical terms.
"Our Basic Law defines the family, order, the home, work and health as the most important, shared scale of values."
The researchers defined emotional health at 65 as the "clear ability to play and to work and to love," and a feeling of satisfaction with life.
The report also lacks clarity because it fails to define reproductive health.
The WHO defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing.
You cannot define health solely in terms of physical well-being.
Furthermore the board defined health as an individual resource possessed by all people.