Some students define good citizenship in terms of standing up for what one believes in.
Except for the addition of the first sentence of Section 1, which defined citizenship, the amendment weathered the Senate debate without substantial change.
The republican model of citizenship emphasizes one's active participation in civil society as a means of defining his or her citizenship (1).
Section 1 formally defines citizenship of the United States and protects individual civil and political rights from being abridged or denied by any state.
Specific legislation, therefore, defines nationality and citizenship.
Germany defines citizenship by bloodline.
Defining citizenship in terms of market participation is therefore one aspect of the Conservative government's aim of promoting inequality.
This strips them of the social, political and economic responsibility that defines full citizenship.
The convention did not explicitly solve the problem of dual nationality as notes attached to the document indicated it was not meant to define citizenship.
We need to have, at the centre, clear enforceable rights that define European citizenship.