That Act uses the Illinois statute in defining homeless children as "individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence."
The members of the group added to the first names they adopted in lieu of their original given names, which defines "children of the Next Level."
Laws dating from 17th-century colonial America that defined children excluded children of at least one black parent from the status of being white.
The Act also defines payments to spouse or partner, or dependent children of member of Parliament dying in office.
That effort brought approximately 10,000 similarly defined mainly Jewish children to the United Kingdom, between November 21, 1938 and September 3, 1939.
The Government's best-known opponent in Parliament, Helen Suzman, said the country's Children's Act defined children as those under 18.
Administrative regulations defined children as unlikely to view programming between 10pm and 6am.
In addition, states may opt to define and serve at-risk children.
"Social dynamite" is one way to define poor children who lack education and sound parental supervision.
He asserted: "The statute defines handicapped children as those who need or require special education.