At the congress, a treaty was formed making the institute a permanent organization and defining its scope and activities.
The 3rd amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan was passed which gave wide legal scope to the state to define anti-state activities.
Many laws had recently been passed to define and ban unacceptable activities.
The FCC defines several different activities as being commercial in nature.
The Government has enacted laws, for instance, to confiscate assets and define activities so as to make it easier to arrest members of the groups.
First defined professional activities which will engage the technician.
The Government defines "related activities" to include the stockpiling of arms and the recruitment of new guerrillas.
One can define activities for the cations and anions separately (a and a).
The regulation defines "harmful information" and "harmful activities" regarding internet usage.
There should be greater harmonisation of civil and criminal law and in defining criminal activities.