By 2020, she estimates, the deficit will run close to $1.5 trillion a year.
Two years ago the deficit was running as high as $120 million.
The deficit is at least $60 million and may run as high as $130 million.
The deficit for the first eight months of the year is running about 50 percent above last year's levels.
That deficit is running at an annual rate of about $14 billion this year.
The deficit was running at an annual rate of around $150 billion as 1990 began.
If Congress comes up with all the supposed $30 billion reduction, the 1988 deficit will still run more than $130 billion.
The deficit is running at an annual rate of around $300 billion.
It is also smaller than the deficit this country ran from 1990 to 1994.
That deficit is running at a record annual rate of $500 billion.