The deficit reflected a one-time pretax charge to income of $2.8 billion to close 21 plants over the next several years.
The line of reasoning is that the deficit reflects differences in the two countries' savings rates.
The deficit reflects the declining health, particularly in the steel industry, of the many company plans that the government now insures.
Its deficit, larger than expected, reflects the declining health of the many company plans that the government now insures.
Administration officials dismissed the fund's concern, saying the deficit primarily reflected the attractiveness of the United States as a place to invest.
But the deficit also reflected the continued strength of the American economy, which has created an enormous demand for imported consumer goods.
The deficit, the largest for any month, reflected the quickening pace of higher-priced imports.
The rising deficit reflects slumping sales by computer chip manufacturers, which account for 18 percent of all exports.
For a current account deficit on the balance of payments reflects a shortage of national savings, in relation to investment.
The deficit reflects some real problems for the economy.