Death or severe neurological deficits can occur if the condition is not treated.
If a deep deficit occurs when one party holds the Presidency and a majority of both houses, its elected officials would have to take the blame.
When the area's ecological footprint exceeds its biocapacity, an ecological deficit occurs.
Striking deficits occurred in the participants' abilities to process glucose.
More seriously, deficits occur because real wages are too low and savings too high both augmented by the recession.
How this deficit occurred I shall never know, but in some strange way the Medical Clerk was held responsible.
A deficit occurs when the government spends more money than it raises in taxes that year.
We want the maximum deadline for regaining targets to be limited to three years from when the deficit occurred.
Cognitive deficits are independent of physical disability and can occur in the absence of neurological dysfunction.
That is because there is no localized focal point in the brain that shows where this deficit will occur.