"New tax bills, Federal budgets and deficit estimates don't take things like this into account," he said.
The lower deficit estimates reflect economic growth that has been much stronger than anticipated, the study reportedly states.
Republican deficit estimates have gone as high as $1 billion in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989.
Also, we should keep in mind that in the real world the basic deficit estimates of the budget office are all optimistic.
Since August, when the deficit estimate was $475 billion, the rate has dropped from about 4.4 percent.
The dispute over the deficit estimates could have a major impact on the budget debate this year.
But structural deficit estimates are solemnly presented as unchallengeable fact.
But the discrepancy shows how much the Administration's deficit estimate depends on continued prosperity.
Social Security is also included in traditional "consolidated" or "unified" deficit estimates.
For 2012, the deficit estimate rose to $922 billion, up from $828 billion in the previous report.