Consequently, removing the fiscal stimulus through big deficit cuts could drive the economy right into the mud.
Democrats insist it is the biggest deficit cut.
It also offers a nonbinding plan on how to achieve its deficit cuts.
That package is loaded with many of the same provisions the Senate decided to exclude in its plan for $14 billion in deficit cuts.
He added that the Administration believed that deeper deficit cuts would have endangered economic growth.
There will certainly be some last-minute changes and surprises as the Clinton team rummages around to find $145 billion in annual deficit cuts.
The first year's deficit cut is still expected to be about $40 billion, officials said.
Senate leaders from both parties struggled to fight off politically attractive changes in deficit cuts.
But they concede this is likely to take the form, sooner or later, of a less demanding timetable of deficit cuts.
By 2030, the needed deficit cut will equal about 5.5 percent of annual economic output.