A primary deficiency occurs when an organism does not get enough of the vitamin in its food.
This deficiency, accompanied by the loss of other essential nutrients such as potassium and magnesium, typically occurs during heavy exertion.
Also deficiency may occur in Bartter syndrome and Gitelman syndrome.
The metabolic deficiency occurs as a result of a failure in the cell to make a specific protein, in this case, the enzyme flavin-containing monooxygenase3.
In Lucas's model a deficiency of aggregate demand can never occur since markets always clear.
Perhaps the greatest deficiencies in the relationship between education and industry occurred in the training and recruitment of middle management.
The agency contends the biggest deficiencies occur because existing law is weak and does not force companies to increase funding.
New Jersey's other deficiency, allowing the opposition to score first and early, occurred again.
Again, deficiency is rare and occurs only in very ill people, newborn children, or those on prolonged courses of antibiotics.
If a surfeit or deficiency of electrons occurs, the atom becomes electrically charged, negative and positive.