It's mission to train pilots with night fighting skills for defensive missions against enemy night intruder aircraft.
Both offensive and defensive missions require energy of which the player has a limited store.
But by 1954, the offensive biological warfare mission had changed to a defensive mission.
In the tactical battle, he argued that the fighter must fight on the offensive, even when on defensive missions.
Several Corps would take part in the attack, some with defensive missions and others with offensive assignments.
Victorious defenders are not inverted after counterair, and may conduct defensive missions later that player turn.
Air Policing is a purely defensive mission.
Although it performed poorly in the offensive against Canada, the small force of regulars backed by a well-armed militia, accomplished its defensive mission well.
They flew only an average of one sortie per day, including strategic defensive missions.
The planes fly largely defensive missions, and retaliate when fired upon from the ground.