The gun was to provide defensive firepower in high threat environments.
Because of the increase in defensive firepower, the crew numbers increased from four to five.
If the player manages to penetrate the command zone, the base must be repeatedly strafed while avoiding its defensive firepower.
The more defensive firepower in the air the more enemy threats will be destroyed.
The defensive firepower consists of fighter aircraft that try to intercept those bombers.
In this case, the defensive firepower would be zero, since so far there is no effective way to actively intercept torpedoes.
The Steelers are good but Baltimore now has enough offensive and defensive firepower to keep up with each team in the division.
The proof was in the vast amounts of anti-air defensive firepower delivered on target.
As aircraft capabilities grew, so did their defensive firepower.
To improve crew performance and defensive firepower, the designs were to have a pressurized cabin with remotely aimed armament.