Our defensive fighting was relying increasingly on mines to take the place of weakened or missing lines.
The Flandern found itself in the Soviet line of advance, and saw heavy defensive fighting against relentless attacks which lasted until late February.
The defensive fighting on August 20 required using the reserves at the frequently changing danger spots.
Listen, we've been engaged in heavy defensive fighting here for weeks; we haven't had time to give it a thought.
After a few days of heavy defensive fighting we were outflanked on the left and in the evening of 18 November pulled out.
The prospect of seeing Normandy again and the scenes of our heavy defensive fighting appealed to me.
It was easy to see why the scarred face was the sign of their craft; there was no defensive fighting whatever.
After almost a year at front, in the autumn of 1944, the 384th was surrounded and then completely destroyed in defensive fighting near the city Kishinev.
Donlan wasn't eager any more; he'd been through enough of the tough defensive fighting outside Chi- cago to be sure his number could come up.
Maybe Tzikas was right; in his stand at Amorion, he had shown himself a master of defensive fighting.