In ancient times the plateau was a defensible location between two stream beds and amply supplied with water.
This is because its position on elevated ground provides clear views of the Welland Valley from a strong defensible location.
Shivneri is a highly defensible location, with steep rocks on four sides and a strongly built citadel.
At the same time the reduced population withdrew into defensible locations at the site.
Rommel did not agree with this plan, as the terrain showed that Bengahzi was not a defensible location.
The UN began to redeploy its forces to more defensible locations, so that they would be harder to attack or take hostage.
I wish you'd consider my idea to relocate to a more defensible location, though.
It was only prudent, when in hostile territory, to camp in a defensible location, which usually meant finding a natural formation to protect your back.
Night would be coming on soon, and I wanted us out of sight and in a defensible location, one that overlooked other approaches.
Though not fortified, bastides were often built in defensible locations.