He said he hoped a defense psychiatrist would be able to determine whether Mr. Crandell was psychotic or in shock.
A defense psychiatrist has given Mr. Ferguson a diagnosis that he is paranoid and delusional.
On Saturday, at their request, the court reporter read aloud the testimony of defense psychiatrists on whether schizophrenia causes violence.
But he indicated he might not permit testimony by defense psychiatrists who had examined Mr. Kaczynski.
Under questioning by a defense psychiatrist, shown tonight, he expresses his faith in the judgments of Pope and Church.
A defense psychiatrist said he was delusional and paranoid.
A defense psychiatrist testifies that "in a society where violence is prevalent the moral taboos against violence are devalued."
Two defense psychiatrists maintained that Sherwood was insane while two prosecution psychiatrists testified to the contrary.
Smith's defense psychiatrist diagnosed her with dependent personality disorder and depression.
The juror also said the prosecution's rebuttal witnesses had weakened the testimony of a defense psychiatrist.