That's just what it has done in sketching scenarios to guide defense planners after the cold war.
As the big growth in military budgets of the early Reagan era has come to a halt, defense planners have increasingly turned to the reserves.
Strategic intelligence needs by policy makers and defense planners are consequently ill defined.
Moscow's defense planners have placed greater reliance on nuclear weapons to resist potential attack.
America's military supremacy owes a great deal to its domination of what defense planners call the information battlefield.
That is the chief complaint of people on Guam: they want defense planners to give much of the land back.
Even many Western defense planners believed a new Soviet military intervention was in the works.
The White House and defense planners decided less than three weeks ago that it could be useful to include former international arms inspectors on the military teams.
The bumper-sticker phrase dramatized a real concern for American defense planners.
Japanese industrialists and defense planners seem to be inclined to be self-sufficient with respect to future weapons research.