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By calling Dr. Good, then, the defense hoped to show that the accuser is either lying or unreliable.
My guess is that the defense was hoping that the jury would see this as a person outraged and maybe feel more empathy with him.
It is, of course, what the Patriots' defense is hoping for.
Cases that have no merit don't get to trial, because I advise the defense to plead them out and hope for mercy.
The Jets' defense hopes to set them back a bit, and the offense cannot wait to say the same thing.
Ohio State's defense is hoping to make things uncomfortable for Kelly.
The defense had hoped to limit punishment to community service and a fine.
The defense hopes the testimony of a document expert will establish that the card is a forgery.
The Giants' defense hopes to play its game and not let the Bills dictate how it will play.
The defense knew the government would resist, and hoped that might persuade the judge to drop the charges on fair-trial grounds.