Inside these corps, each nation has provided for its own communications and logistics and applied its own defense doctrine.
The treaty embodies the two basic principles of our defense doctrine: stability through strength and America's enduring commitment to allied security.
"The new political thinking in defense doctrines allowed the military to reduce the budget in practical terms," he said.
In the new defense doctrine, it replaces the people as potential enemy, and sets greater civil-military interaction and cooperation.
It was only the latest example of how history, definitions and defense doctrines are being twisted to fit the Iraq debate.
Waiver under joint defense doctrine is essentially the same as that under attorney client privilege.
"Nuclear weapons are not in Iran's defense doctrine," he said at a briefing with reporters.
Torpedoes were secondary weapons, playing an important role in PLAN's coastal defense doctrines.
Learned intermediary is a defense doctrine used in the legal system of the United States.
There has not yet been anything like that kind of basic re-examination of defense doctrine in the West.