This is a mutual defense alliance whereby if one country is attacked, then it is seen as an attack on all countries.
Maybe a mutual defense alliance, too.
The limited mutual defense alliance with Austria was approved in the Sejm and signed on April 1, 1683.
We want NATO, and we understand it to be more than just a defense alliance.
And even if she can't talk enough of them into an invasion, she can probably tie them into a defense alliance.
"A defense alliance won't get your wife back."
The same source quotes that she seems to have a mutual defense alliance with Baphomet.
NATO and the European Union had demanded the change, which lawmakers hope will smooth the way to an invitation to join the defense alliance.
The great horseshoe makers had great achievements - NATO - the most successful defense alliance in history.
Georgia had been in defense alliance with Azerbaijan since 1919, but the Menshevik government hesitated to get involved in the conflict.