Only the goalkeeper and two defenders may guard the goals.
Third, since both defenders will be guarding the ballhandler, one offensive player will be open.
The simplest defensive strategy is the one-on-one defense (also known as "man-to-man", "man" or simply "person"), where each defender guards a specific offensive player, called their "mark".
A variant of this is the triangle-and-two, in which three defenders are in a 2-1 zone and two defenders guard two specific offensive players.
Seems to me that's the only way to take Videssos the city, if it can be done at all: assail it from all sides at once, stretch the defenders too thin to guard everything, and pray all the powerful mages are either dead or fled from Genesios like the grandees.
In a trump squeeze, declarer has a suit that can be established by ruffing, but the defender being squeezed is guarding that suit.
In men's college basketball, to be considered "closely guarded", a defender must be guarding a player who is located in the frontcourt and within six (6) feet of the player.
A defender must be guarding the player in control of the ball, in the frontcourt, and must be within six feet of the player.
However, in the 1680s, buccaneers crossed the mountains through a little-used pass while the town's defenders were guarding the more often-used one, and, encountering little resistance, sacked and set fire to the town.
During this period, an illegal defense violation was called when a defender was either guarding an area instead of a specific offensive player, or was double teaming an offensive player away from the ball.