His defenders, led by the mayor, contend that he has made the department more responsive.
Defenders of the World Bank contend that no country is forced to borrow its money.
Her defenders contend that the religious right is trying to smear one of the most innovative thinkers on sexual responsibility for the young.
But defenders contend that publishers are giving students and teachers what they say they need and want.
Defenders of the reassessment contend that it has gone well, leading to fewer protests than is typical elsewhere.
The ministers' defenders contended that the officer's response reflected insensitivity and bias.
Defenders of the current system also contend that unlike other forms of compensation, options do not result in a cash expense.
Defenders who are used to accounting for Martin's ankle-snapping elusiveness suddenly must contend with a runner coming right at them.
Defenders of Mr. Bush's choices contend that ambassadorships cannot be bought.
Defenders contend that problem is not so much the fault of the universities as lax Federal auditing and loose interpretation of the rules.