Under Chinese law, a defendant cannot hire a lawyer until the charge has been lodged with the court.
If the State had claimed that the defendant had hired someone to kill his wife, then there might have been some small measure of doubt.
The defendant may hire a solicitor (or barrister) to represent him, often paid for by the state.
The defendant hired a killer.
Many felt Horowitz's bill would rapidly deplete county funds that were "used to pay local attorneys who represent criminal defendants too poor to hire lawyers themselves."
The other defendants have not yet hired lawyers, he said.
If lacking representation, the defendant may consult or hire an attorney to exercise his or her legal rights.
Maybe Mr. Mason will withdraw as counsel and the defendant will hire somebody else so that we can stay on track for trial.
The main defendant in the trial had hired a car from Mr. Yahya for use in the car bomb attack on Nov. 25.
Many Now Hire Lawyers These days, many defendants hire lawyers.