The alternative was "home incarceration" in which the defendant would complete his or her time at home instead of in jail.
An attempt is considered to be a "legal" impossibility when the defendant has completed all of his intended acts, but those acts fail to fulfill all the required common law elements of a crime.
Justice Kreindler directed that the sentence be served after the defendant, Milton DeChalus, completes two consecutive four-to-eight-year prison terms he is serving for previous convictions for burglary and weapons possession.
A deferred sentence is a sentence that is suspended until after a defendant has completed a period of probation.
The statement said the defendants would now complete preparation of the May issue of their magazine in 'the most difficult circumstances.'
The Federal complaint charges that the defendants completed three wire transfers totaling $69.7 million from the customer accounts at First National to two banks in Vienna.
Under the plan, the charges would be dropped once the defendants had successfully completed the program.
If the defendant completes the program successfully, the court should have the discretion to reduce or dismiss the charges in some cases.
The defendant had in the meantime completed a notarial deed in favour of the Council creating a service road over Lot 2.
Both the claimant and the defendant must complete an allocation questionnaire.