The indictment indicates that the defendants were buying equipment for three Indian government agencies.
The defendants, two brothers, would buy cars at auto auctions using buyer's drafts, which allowed them to take immediate possession.
The defendant borrowed an electrical cord and bought shoelaces a few hours before Mr. Solimine was strangled, he said.
Later, the defendants bought the same discarded frame at a public auction, rebuilt the car and sold it.
The Government need not prove anything beyond the agreement, such as that the defendant actually bought a crowbar or drove a getaway car.
Police reports and eight witnesses said that, seeing Mr. dos Santos asleep, the defendants went to a gas station and bought two liters of gasoline.
The car was not ready by that date, so the defendant bought another car elsewhere and claimed back the price he had paid for the chassis.
The defendants, the agency said, bought securities from one broker, clearing the transaction through the bank's computerized credit system.
That the defendants allegedly bought digital copies of the Player's Handbook 2, and then uploaded them to certain file-sharing sites.
But it has also renewed hope, with evidence that one defendant bought clothing that was packed with the bomb.