The 60-year-old defendant, sounding confident as a self-advocate, accused Mr. Morford of "a bold-faced lie."
But he was called to testify last month after the defendants accused him of ordering the murder.
The Legal Aid Society, a nonprofit organization working under a contract with the city, would represent nearly all the indigent defendants accused of lesser crimes.
The defendants appealed the verdict and accused the judge of giving in to political pressure.
He argues that the defendant favored Philip and accuses him of the dilatoriness of the envoys.
The defendants accused the 82-year-old senior judge of violating conflict-of-interest rules.
A type of bail that some defendants accused of misdemeanors may be allowed to pay at the police station.
In the courts, defendants accused or convicted of capital crimes will argue that they are mentally retarded.
New lawyers acting for two the three defendants accused Galligan of racism and incompetence and suggested that they would appeal against the sentences.
The suit charges that the defendants failed to provide safe premises and also accuses Harlex of failing to provide adequate security.