The males defended territories within the group and demonstrated typical physical forms of defense.
There are three types of defense as well: units may flee, defend themselves within the city and counterattack.
First, defending air factors within range, using radar if they have it, attack at least an equal number of attackers.
Establishing extensive links into the local community may help unions defend terms and conditions within their traditional workplaces.
He was unable to fulfill his obligation to defend it within 30 days.
More than anything else he wanted to preserve the Church, to defend it against the evil and the enemies within and without its walls.
He was stripped of his title on December 17, 1932, for failing to defend it within eight months.
Burns won, and went on to defend his title eleven times within a period of less than two years.
The party's goal is to defend life, liberty and property of each individual within a strong free market system.
They write up their results, which they have to be able to defend within their learning community.