In the course of a controversy with the Pietist Joachim Lange, Löscher defended orthodoxy in his Praenotiones et notiones theologicae (Wittenberg, 1708).
In this confusion, Ephrem wrote a great number of hymns defending Nicene orthodoxy.
He was credited not only with defending orthodoxy and Church discipline, but also the universal claims of the Papacy in spiritual and temporal affairs, and with such vigor that the Emperor was affronted.
They wanted to defend Catholic orthodoxy against the claims of early Reformers.
There were a number of theologians who defended Calvinistic orthodoxy against Amyraut and Saumur, including Friedrich Spanheim (1600-1649) and Francis Turretin (1623-1687).
A keen controversialist, he wrote many treatises, with a general but learned concern to defend Anglican orthodoxy.
There was, indeed, no shortage of men prepared to defend orthodoxy.
The mass media, the schools, and the universities defend ideological orthodoxy in their own, generally successful, ways.
He argued that Princeton was the only seminary continuing to defend orthodoxy among the older theological institutions in the English-speaking world.
Nevertheless, as its title implies, the Byeokwi sinpyeon was ultimately a conservative and isolationist work whose primary aim was to outline strategies for accomplishing "byeoksa wijeong" (reject heterodoxy and defend orthodoxy) .