The Mayor also defended his administration, which has been hit with many scandals.
He said he would arm himself with the majority views expressed here in favor of family planning to defend his administration at home.
Mr. Dini today vigorously defended his administration, which he said was "hostage" to no political party.
With each new revelation, Mr. Bloomberg had to fend off questions and defend his administration.
He has repeatedly defended his administration and says it is on the right track.
Black tried to remain positive in his race, and focused on national issues rather than defending Stanley's administration.
Defending his administration, the Mayor said that city officials are required first to focus on their jobs and then to answer requests for information.
He defended his father's administration of Ireland in a lengthy document.
Throughout his speech, Bradley defended his administration and never once mentioned Taylor.
In his nine major radio addresses Hoover primarily defended his administration and his philosophy.