During the 2009 summit, Colonel Gaddafi proposed a defence alliance between the two continents.
We understand you discussed a defence alliance with Lampang.
The cantons had concluded numerous mercenary contracts and defence alliances with partners on all sides.
Koblat didn't even rate a navy ship from the Toowoomba star system's defence alliance.
Bilateral treaties were concluded for mutual defence, trade, marriage alliance, and for the sake of traditional friendship between states.
The talks were stalled, however, by differences over the status of a future united Germany, and especially over its defence alliances.
We continue to believe that the EU should not be an actual defence alliance.
We are also still of the view that the EU should not be expanded into a proper defence alliance.
In the period leading up to the Summit, we warned against the EU turning itself into a fully-fledged defence alliance on a number of occasions.
After France had for a long time supported the Dutch in their war with Spain, both countries entered into a defence alliance in 1662.