Tenants are responsible for maintaining detectors, but landlords must replace missing or defective units.
In the present case, the job would be further complicated by the radioactivity of the defective unit.
Franklin acknowledged the problem, and replaced all defective units at no charge.
A program was begun a year ago to replace all defective units, he said.
If the subwoofer hums, it points to a defective unit.
The defective unit was removed quickly and with no fumbling and the replacement installed.
Approximately 128,000 defective units were sold.
Keep the carton, wrapping material and all paperwork in case you have to return a defective unit.
The workers spread out to their separate but identical dwellings, defective prefabricated units House Harkonnen had bought at discount and dumped there.
But some customers say the fair thing would be for Palm to replace their defective units with m515's instead of potentially defective m505's.