The fourth is also unpredictable, from the use of defective materials.
The business soon fails due to Nelson's unknowing use of defective materials to build his bicycles, such as water-soluble glue.
The 44,000 helmets in use by service members were recalled by the U.S. Army in May 2010 due to potentially defective materials being used.
No proof of defective materials was ever established nor evidence of any wrongdoing by the contractor.
Thielert guaranteed the new engines against defective materials and labor, but parts prices remained at the previously announced high levels.
Will the Red Sox continue to buy defective material from the Acme Corporation?
Not that we have any grave genetic defects, of course, no seriously defective material would have been placed aboard.
In this way, computational genes might allow implementation in situ of a therapy as soon as the cell starts developing defective material.
It is backed by a £15 million insurance warranty covering product liability on defective material, damage to property and consequential losses.
A craftsman can't blame his skill if he has defective material.