The defect prevented complete closure of the spine, and impaired nerve function led to abnormal contraction of the bladder.
The defects that remained certainly did not prevent the shuttle being used for short-range work like this.
These people have the genetic makeup of males but their genetic defects prevent male genes from acting in the body.
The defense initially expected to argue that mental defects prevented Mr. Kaczynski from being legally responsible for his acts.
The defect prevents the precise focusing of light gathered by the mirror system.
A technical defect prevents the explosion.
A court cannot say what defects should prevent an embryo from being allowed life.
His stepmother's mental defects prevented him from leaving Mortlake Park.
As in work-hardened steel, these defects prevent atoms from sliding past one another in an organized fashion, causing the material to become harder.
When it came to his deployment, a technical defect prevented his airplane from joining his flight.